The aim of the sight assessment is to make a complete ophthalmological assessment. It includes a complete eye exam, including eye pressure measurement, and fundus screening for retinal diseases and risks. If necessary, a prescription for glasses will then be issued. In the event of anomalies in the examination, an additional appointment will be scheduled to allow for a more in-depth examination.
This appointment entails a complete assessment to screen for the main eye diseases and is equivalent to the sight assessment consultation.
The medical team will assist you in the renewal of your contact lense prescription, carrying out a comprehensive eye examination, along with checks to ensure the lenses will be tolerated by the eye.
If you are choosing to wear contact lenses for the first time, you will receive a fitting appointment to ensure that you can wear them safely and comfortably.
This is reserved for patients with a suspected or previously diagnosed cataract. The ophthalmologist will agree a date on which to operate in accordance with the patient’s availability and level of visual discomfort.
Any patient presenting with a known or suspected retinal disease, whether undergoing treatment or not, must see a doctor if they experience the following symptoms: distorted vision, spots in the central vision, mosaic vision. The main retinal diseases are severe short-sightedness, age-related macular degeneration, retinal vascular accidents, and diabetes.
A complete eye examination is necessary to check visual development and its evolution in children, whether they wear glasses or not. The objective of this first consultation is to avoid severe long-sightedness, early short-sightedness, a squint, or amblyopia (sometimes referred to as “lazy eye”).
Should any abnormality be encountered, a programme of joint management with an orthoptist may be proposed.
A visual assessment and a fundus examination with dilation will be carried out for all diabetic patients. This screening examination must be carried out at least once a year for patients with no known retinopathy and who are affected by type 1 and 2 diabetes.
Patients with glaucoma detected during a previous consultation will have a 5-step check-up. A sight exam, eye pressure measurement, pachymetry and a photograph of the optic nerve. The last examination performed will be a complete and in-depth assessment of the visual field.
The retinal laser, more technically called Laser ARGON, is reserved for retinal diseases. Our centre is equipped with the latest generation ARGON laser, with multi-spot treatment which enables very rapid treatment. However, dilation of the pupil will be necessary. There will therefore be visual discomfort at the end of the session, lasting around fifteen minutes.
Your ophthalmologist will perform this exam to check for any abnormality in the retina and make a diagnosis. It is an exam that uses an infrared laser to take high quality images at incredible speed. The OCT enables very early detection of eye pathologies. The ophthalmological examination consists in observing the different layers of the retina. If necessary, treatment will be prescribed.
The visual field is the space that an eye can perceive around the point it is staring at. The purpose of examining the visual field is to map this space, with the eye fixed on a motionless point located straight in front of it. It is the most important test for the diagnosis and monitoring of glaucoma. Your ophthalmologist will perform this examination during the appointment or upon presentation of a referral letter from your general practitioner.
Adress :
Centre médical Vigimed
Rue du Léman 18B
1920 Martigny
Phone no. : 027.722.29.31
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Adress :
Clinique CIC
Rue du Grammont 2
1815 Clarens
Phone no. : 021.964.49.63
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